14 November 2012

Why should portals integrate with logbee

If you're running a portal, you know very well that your visitors aren't using only you as their source for holiday-rentals, real-estate objects, cars, events,... They probably aren't very loyal to you. They just pick the best from several sources.

And what do people do in order to keep track of their favorites? They often save bookmarks of your listings, send emails with links to their friends or partner (even to themselves!), cut-and-paste them into some text file or spreadsheet, etc. Keeping a clean overview of their favorites is a nightmare, and this quickly becomes a mess. Because of that, quite a bit of these favorites get lost in the process, people get frustrated and often miss some opportunities. And these missed opportunities might well be provided by you!

So what if we could help you helping your visitors managing their favorites? And even better: what if we could make your visitors come back to you and recommend you to their friends or partners? Not only would you provide a better experience to your visitors, but you'd also increase your visibility and your traffic. Not just random traffic, but valuable targeted traffic from serious potential customers. And giving these visitors a better experience on your portal will clearly increase your chance of closing a deal with them.

Think we can't do that?

04 November 2012

How to use the beta version

[EDIT: This page is now obsolete. Please see there to learn how to use Logbee: http://blog.logbee.com/p/how-to.html (with examples in english, german and french)]

So you've requested and got the beta key? Good! And thanks for testing this pre-release version of logbee!

For starters, here a few explanations and tips on how to start using logbee.