13 October 2014

Slightly improved design

Based on user feedback, we're currently implementing a few changes improvements to Logbee. We'll soon present some new functions that will make your life even easier, but in the meantime, we've already activated a slight redesign of the log-entry panel:

The main points, as shown on the screenshot above, are:

  • NEW: favicon/logo of the original page
    In the middle column (aka the logbook), each log-entry is shown with the favicon/logo of the original page. Beside looking cool, this makes instantly clear where you've found each item.
  • CHANGED: buttons for link to original page and screenshot replaced by more elegant and less bulky icons
    DELETED/CHANGED: bulky buttons for screenshot and link to original page, images, maps, attachments
    CHANGED: replaced the map button by more elegant icon

    These points belong together as we've removed the bulky and unsexy buttons that were displayed above the picture. Instead, the link to original page and to its screenshot are shown in a more integrated way with the base-URL (aka web address) and two corresponding icons. The map button (shown when an address is available for the entry) has been dumped. Instead, clicking on the address itself or on the icon opens the map. As for the attachments, they will be listed right below the pictures (not shown on the screenshot above).
  • MOVED: entry title now at the top
    It seemed logical to move the entry's title to the top for better readability.
  • MOVED: action buttons for the current entry (edit, move, delete, send by email)
    Since the action buttons for the current logbook (middle column) are displayed at the top of it, it also seemed logical to move the action buttons for the log-entry from the bottom of the entry to the very top. We also adapted the icons to make them look consistent with the logbook's ones.
  • MOVED: language selector and user menu
    Because of the above point, these menus had to make way and were moved to the top right corner.
  • MOVED: average rating and own rating
    The rating functions have been grouped together. No big deal.
  • MOVED: logger's name now at the bottom
    This non-critical info has been moved to the very end of the entry panel.
  • CHANGED: more beey background
    Our bees were complaining, so we made the background more beey by changing it to a very light honeycomb grid.

We hope you'll like these improvements!

Feel like telling us what you think? Please go ahead via FacebookTwitterLinkedInXing or directly per email to support@logbee.com.

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